Intranet Social Intranets and digital natives One particular statistic from the Swedish internet use report for 2011 was how everyone in Sweden in the 16-25 age group uses social media. For a fair while we’ve been discussing the expectations of young employees in the workplace, but this statistic is about as big as a wake-up
shared links 12 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 22-27, 2011) For your reading pleasure this time, a collection of links (with summaries) including articles related to: web management, SEO, intranet, UX. Web management The web is critical. The web team is not ”According to a McKinsey report, From 2004 to 2009, the Internet’s contribution to GDP in mature countries
cookies 11 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 18-21, 2011) For your reading pleasure this time, a collection of links (with summaries) including articles related to: web management, UX, cookies, search, UX and search. Web management, UX, mobile web 10 rules to make a great online bank dashboard – Meniga blog The headline says “online bank” but these 10 rules are
Intranet 12 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Weeks 13-17, 2011) For your reading pleasure this time, a collection of links (with summaries) including articles related to: web strategy, UX, search, web developement. Web strategy & User experience All the kings are dead. Long live the ecosystem. Nothing is king. Everything is king! Here’s a quote taken from my Beantin
Analytics 14 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Weeks 10-12, 2011) For your reading pleasure this week, a collection of links (and summaries) including articles related to: Social media, UX, intranets, SEO and web analytics. Social Ellos at the forefront of Nordic Digital e-commerce Jesper gets all excited about Ellos and how they are dragging their shopping experience into the future.
Analytics 12 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 8-9, 2011) This time, a collection of links (and summaries) including articles related to:Web management, UX, intranets, SEO and web analytics. Web strategy, Web management & UX Situational Design for the Web Responsive web design is all the rage, and rightly so – you can do some incredibly useful things with media
Analytics 13 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 6-7, 2011) This time, a collection of links (and summaries) including articles related to: Social media and social search, web strategy and web management, Optimisation, usability testing and Eye tracking. Social media & social search Google Search Finally Going Fully Social With Shared Twitter Links And Even Quora Data More Google (social)
Intranet Introduction to intranets Earlier this week a project to write a book called an Introduction to intranets was launched. I’m pleased and excited to be part of the project. Despite lots of blogs and literature being available about intranets, a number of the printed books are a quite old or aimed at
collaboration 20 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 3-5, 2011) This edition’s collection of links includes posts related to: Eye tracking and user testing, Intranets, UX, usability and web strategy, SEO, and web development. User experience, usability & web strategy Good usability makes a website This one quote from the article pretty much says enough: “Usability testing is no
Intranet Managing disruptive collaboration tools Yammer has a wonderfully disruptive marketing strategy – anyone with an email address can sign up and become part of the network for that email domain. No IT procurement process, no buy-in, no permission from anyone – you just get on with it and start collaborating. Collaboration behind your back A lot
contentstrategy 16 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Weeks 1-2, 2011) This edition’s collection of links includes posts related to: Intranets, UX, Web design and web development, web strategy and web tactics, Analysis and eye tracking. Intranet Round-Up of Intranet Trends for 2011 To save you visiting several blogs to get a grip of what’s hot within the world
blogging 11 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 50-52, 2010) Generations 2010: What different generations do online Useful chart from Pew Internet showing how the spread of Internet activities varies across six different generations. One thing I find particularly interesting (mainly as I wrote about this in my december newsletter) is how virtual worlds are the least common activity across
EGC 19 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Weeks 46-49, 2010) A whopping 20 article post this time covering 4 weeks of articles spotted on my web-travels. Enjoy! I’m not anti-SharePoint Perhaps it’s not SharePoint thats rubbish, but the way it was implemented in your organisation? Building Tomorrow’s Organization – without today’s IT? You get the chance to
android 7 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 44-45, 2010) Photos as Web Content Anyone who has done any eye tracking tests knows how true this Alertbox article from Nielsen is. Visitors to your site only pay attention to images that are relevant to their task, other pictures used to “make the page pretty” (and indeed banner ads) are ignored.
curation 5 Twitter newspapers Previously I’ve created and shared with you 5 social memetrackers using Twingly. Now it’s time to present to you 5 created “newspapers”. organises links shared on Twitter into easy to read newspapers. You can create newspapers from Twitter lists, Twitter hashtags or advanced Twitter
facebook 12 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 42-43, 2010) Information Architecture 101: Techniques and Best Practices A great “briefing paper” from Six Revisions, intending to raise awareness of the discipline with designers. Mental Models The latest Alertbox post covers what users think they know and how that affects their behaviour. Users, designers and developers all have differing mental models.
Analytics 9 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 39-41, 2010) Implementing Yammer within Your Organization Using Twitter Best Practices The featured tool in this article is Yammer, but the tactics and principles described are valid for whatever intranet collaboration tool you are rolling out. Three critical tactics according to Hanesbrands: Gain leadership support, Partner early with IT, Help employees use
Intranet Yammer usage within Swedish organisations There’s been an increasing interest in internal corporate communications tool Yammer, but in more recent times that interest has jumped. Having noticed this spike in interest Per Axbom decided to investigate. Per created a survey using Wufoo and asked people in his network who used Yammer to take a
Intranet Tweets from IntraTeam Event Stockholm 2010 On October 5th and 6th 2010 IntraTeam held their first intranet conference in Stockholm. It was a great event and the most international intranet conference held so far in Sweden. Day one featured Presentations in English, day two in Swedish – but almost all of the tweets from both days were
Intranet What is Employee Generated Content? Here is my definition of Employee Generated Content, as well as brief explanation of how it differs from user generated content (UGC) and social content (social media). What is it? Employee Generated Content (EGC) is a variant of User Generated Content (UGC). Both refer to material produced by the users
Intranet Microblogging and bullying in the work-place The concept of choosing to follow someone is very familiar to those of us active on twitter. As is the concept of not following someone. In small organisations, my experience has shown that normally everyone would follow everyone. This is largely because small organisations are likely to be cohesive as
facebook 7 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 35-36, 2010) Finding the Balance: Users’ Needs Vs. Clients’ Wants A another look at the classic user v client dilemma. One of the key things to finding a good balance is stakeholder buy-in and inclusion. Surprise, surprise! Having no secure icon on a page increased conversions by 400% An split testing case
conferences Upcoming events: Come along and say hello! This autumn I’m going to be attending a couple of conferences. A couple of interesting and inspiring conferences. Hopefully if you are attending either of them then you’ll manage to find me, say hello and be social. Disruptive Code – 21-22 September 2010 Later this month Disruptive Code takes
collaboration 6 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 34, 2010) The business case for social intranets To quote Oscar: “Most people will come to understand that a social intranet is not just about adding features such as blogs, wikis, activity feeds & micro-blogging on top of a traditional intranet; it’s about rethinking the purpose of intranets with the intention
android 7 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 32-33, 2010) Why Your Web Developer and SEO Keep Asking You For Content Anyone involved in creating or managing a website has had “the content problem”. This excellent article lists all the reasons why we should keep on nagging for that content to appear as early in the process as possible. Reductionism