Tweets from IntraTeam Event Stockholm 2010
On October 5th and 6th 2010 IntraTeam held their first intranet conference in Stockholm. It was a great event and the most international intranet conference held so far in Sweden.
Day one featured Presentations in English, day two in Swedish – but almost all of the tweets from both days were in English, which was wonderfully considerate of those attending.
The Speakers
The two-day line-up featured:
- James Robertson, StepTwo Designs
- Rossen Roussev, former Shell Enterprise Portal Manager
- Martin White, IntranetFocus Ltd.
- Mark Morrell, Intranet Manager, BT (British Telecom)
- Michael Sampson, Collaboration Strategist
- Webrådgivare Fredrik Wackå
- Christian Skjæran, Intranet Manager, Corporate Communications, Chr. Hansen A/S
- Ingo Johansson, Web Consultant, Global IT Development, NNE Pharmaplan
- Gabriel Olsson, Head of Corporate e-Comms, Tetra Pak
- Damra Muminovic, Sogeti
The Tweets
Here, collected together in one document published on Scribd, are all 325 tweets by 101 people from the morning of the 5th of October until Sunday the 10th. There were a number of post-conference blog posts and articles, so I included the 4 days after the conference.
The Summary
In one of my last tweets from the 5th, I summarised the first day of the conference with these few words: task-based, people focused & mobile.