UX Analytics

UX Analytics is the use of analytic data gathered from your website, app or product to surface insights into the user experience and form launching points for design adjustments or further research.
It is also the use of analytics to evaluate opinions and claims that have surfaced during qualitative research or organically from within your organisation or team.
Where are my visitors spending their time?
How do they get there?
Which group of visitors gives up on our web-form?
Just how important is our start-page?
Why do you need UX Analytics?
Every website should have some kind of analytics in place, most websites do. The majority of top websites have Google Analytics installed.
You want to form a better picture of who your users are and what they are doing so that you can make better informed design decisions and take your analytics beyond marketing metrics.
The research tools at our disposal are many and numerous. Web analytics is often conveniently to hand. It’s real data and seemingly easy to understand. It often has a zero marginal cost.
Given the ease and speed at which tools such as Google Analytics can generate all kinds of glorious facts and figures, how can we be confident that the claims we make are true? How can we test the claims other people make? How can we communicate those answers?
How does this work?
With almost 20 years experience of analysing website visitor data and using that data to create and improve the user experience of websites I can provide you with insights that otherwise might go ignored or misunderstood.
I can help evaluate statements and claims that surface in your organisation or through other research against your analytics data.
I can look at your analytics data and help generate hypotheses that can be developed and tested.
I can combine insights with other (qualitative and quantitative) data sources and communicate them onwards or help feed them into your development and design process.
If you are a UX practitioner or product manager, then I can coach you in how to making better and smarter use of analytics in your work and to design UX analytics into your websites and products.
Send an email to james@beantin.se or ring +46 73 593 16 54 to talk more about how you could use UX Analytics to gain better and actionable insights.
LinkedIn profile: http://se.linkedin.com/in/jamesroyallawson
Contact details: http://beantin.se/about-james-royal-lawson
Email: james@beantin.se. Mobile: +46 73 593 16 54