11 Articles worth reading… (Spotted: Week 18-21, 2011)
For your reading pleasure this time, a collection of links (with summaries) including articles related to: web management, UX, cookies, search, UX and search.
Web management, UX, mobile web
10 rules to make a great online bank dashboard – Meniga blog
The headline says “online bank” but these 10 rules are just as good for any website
Going Mobile!
”It’s not about making our site work on a mobile device, it is about what our users need when they’re mobile”. A case study from Utah Valley University
New Data: 33% of Facebook Posting is Mobile
Some stats saying that a third of FB updates are from mobile devices. Probably a pretty reasonable statistic – but it was calculated using 70,000 publicly available updates. No idea if that’s a representative selection of FB as a whole. It will of course vary quite dramatically from country to country.
How to improve the usability (and conversion rate) of your forms
Nice little check-list for making better forms.
Is your intranet a dinosaur?
Good set of 6 questions to ask yourself about your Intranet and help prioritise activities. Given that most orgs don’t have an intranet strategy, answering these wouldn’t be too bad a gap-filler.
The Cookie Law in Sweden – Self regulation committee started by the IAB
From July the 1st, an amended law comes into force, making it effectively illegal to create cookies when someone visits your (Swedish) website without explicit permission (in advance). Exactly how the law should be intepreted is a bit unclear. There is a trade organisation working on a recommendation. This change, driven by the EU, is perhaps excellent news for companies offering hosting outside of the EU…
Information Commissioner’s Office
Countries across europe are starting to implement new laws regarding Cookies. The new Swedish law comes into effect on July 1st, but it’s still unclear exactly what needs to be done. Here though is an example of what the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK has done: a banner on every page asking you to accept cookies
Search & personalisation
Personalization gone too far
Every single service is fighting to give us “exactly what we want”. But is exactly what we want really want we want? or need? Take 10 minutes to have a look at this thought provoking TED talk by Eli Pariser.
Social Search goes global
Google has rolled out search results from your social circle globally. So now everyone will see links shared by their “friends” in their SERPs when Google deems it to be relevant. I’ve been watching this for the a fair while now, and it really affects the order of the search results. This is
Analytics & Tools
Google Analytics’ New Site Speed Report Tracks Page Load Times
You can now get page load data in Google Analytics. It’s only sampled data (you don’t get figures for every page view) and it needs a slight modification to your trackng code – but worth monitoring. Slow page load times causes visitors to give up.
probably the single most significant shake up of SERPs (for an individual) in ages.
URL Shortening Services Compared: Bit.ly Pro and Yourls
I make use of both Yourls and Bit.ly pro. Bit.ly pro is a more convenient in a number of ways – but wth Yourls you own the redirects, you can decide the shortened URL. The power is totally yours.